From the "pen" of Dr Anna Holmes

From the

Dear Members all,

How are you all in your bubbles? I hope everyone is warm, comfortable and well fed. I hope too that you are enjoying the stunning autumn colours this year and that you are able to wave to neighbours or talk to them accross the road. One group of our neighbours, providing it is not raining,  take chairs into their drives and have a glass of wine in the evening sitting accross the road from eachother.

We have been comfortable and able to both get what we needed and enjoy our daily walk round back beach without any major glitches. The only stressful event was when my computer decided to stop working. After 54 years of happy marriage I suddenly doscovered that sharing a computer may not be conducive to peace and quiet iin the household particularly as  we were both teaching on line in the first two weeks of lockdown. We had to negotiate carefully round eachother.

Fortunately computers are defined as essential equipment and I was able to order a new one. However, when  it came to paying for it my bank had insoluble problems and refused to pay!. My beloved spouse came to my aid and the bank has since sorted its problems.

What are the things we have learned about being in lockdown?

I have been impressed by the joint performances of Jacinda Adern and Ashley Bloomfield giving clear and accurate reports and answering questions day after day.  I have been encouraged by the kindness and thoughtfulness of many people looking after each other. We seem to have returned to being a country where people care about those who are homeless, lonely or hungry. Let us hope this attitude continues as the lockdown is gradually lifted. If the pandemic kills self-centred neo-liberalism it will be at least one  positive effect.

The economic effects of this pandemic will take years to work through. It is encouraging to see those in politics and education contributing part of their salaries to enable those without to be looked after. Small businesses wil struggle and need our support.  Lockdown has shown very clearly that life is more than greed and individualism. It is about communities who are rediscovering how important it is to know each other and be cared for.

It would be really interesting to have  strories and photographs of the lockdown from other members of the University Club. I am sure Chris will be able to set up a story folder. I will finish with an illustration of togetherness for tuis having a meal together.

Best wishes to you all


Anna Holmes

Posted: Thu 30 Apr 2020


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