Message from (and to) the Outgoing President
Congratulations to Anna Holmes our new President, and to Austen Banks our new Vice President. I am sure that we are all looking forward to the time when we can start our Friday meetings again and see you both in action.
We will miss the regular company of Elisabeth Cunningham at the end of the top table where she has been so good at chatting with visiting speakers and making them feel welcome .
Thanks to Chris, our secretary /treasurer who has had the skills to manage the lack of face to face communication in facilitating our AGM process.
Until we can meet again... John Clarkson
Note from Secretary:
It would have been usual at the AGM to adopt the President's report and thank Dr Clarkson for his service, and in the absence of this meeting I have been asked by members to convey our thanks to him for his excellent stewardship of the Club in the past year.
Posted: Sun 12 Apr 2020